
Alternating CaseTransfroms text into Alternating caseInstallcat_text
AmazonSearch on AmazonInstallcat_search
AppendAppends the selected text to the clipboardInstallcat_text
BaiduSearch on BaiduInstallcat_search
BearCreate note in bearInstallcat_tools
BingSearch with BingInstallcat_search
Bing TranslatorTranslate text with Bing TranslatorInstallcat_translate
Bold UnicodeConverts text to bold Unicode charactersInstallcat_text
Booking.comSearch on Booking.comInstallcat_search
BracesAdd braces around the selected textInstallcat_text
BracketsAdd brackets around the selected textInstallcat_text
Brave SearchSearch with BraveInstallcat_search
CalculateCalculates result if selected text is an simple equationInstallcat_tools
Calendar EventCreates event in your calendar AppInstallcat_tools
CallCalls a number with the default Call AppInstallcat_social_media
CamelCamelCamelSearch on CamelCamelCamelInstallcat_search
Character countCounts the characters of the textInstallcat_text
ChromeOpen links in Google ChromeInstallcat_tools
Color ConverterConvert colors between formatsInstallcat_tools
Comma to ListConverts a comma seperated list into new line list an viceversaInstallcat_text
CraiglistSearch on CraigslistInstallcat_search
Currrency converterConverts foreign currency into your currencyInstallcat_tools
Decode Base64Decodes a Base64 StringInstallcat_text
DeeplTranslate with DeeplInstallcat_translate
DoubanSearch on DoubanInstallcat_search
Douban MoviesSearch on Douban MoviesInstallcat_search
DeleteTries to delete the text. Only works in editable textfields.Installcat_text
DictionaryLook up in dictionary and show resultInstallcat_tools
DOISearch on doi.orgInstallcat_search
DuckDuckGoGoSearch with DuckDuckGoGoInstallcat_search
EbaySearch on EbayInstallcat_search
Ebay KleinanzeigenInstallcat_search
EdgeOpen link in Edge browserInstallcat_tools
EnterPress Enter KeyInstallcat_tools
EtsySearch on EtsyInstallcat_search
EverythingSearch with EverythingInstallcat_search
FacebookPost link on FacebookInstallcat_social_media
FirefoxOpen link in Firefox browserInstallcat_tools
Full/Half WidthConvert between full width and half width forms of Chinese, Japanese and KoreanInstallcat_tools
Google ImagesSearch on Google ImagesInstallcat_search
Google MapsSearch on Google MapsInstallcat_search
Google ScholarSearch on Google ScholarInstallcat_search
Google TranslateTranslate text with GoogleInstallcat_translate
HexDec ConverterHexadecimal to Decimal ConverterInstallcat_tools
IMDBSearch on IMDBInstallcat_search
InstagramSearch for hashtags on instagramInstallcat_search
Instant WikiInstantly show first Wiki entry for textInstallcat_tools
Internet ExplorerOpen link in Internet ExplorerInstallcat_tools
JDSearch for items on JD.comInstallcat_search
LinkedInShare the selected link on LinkedInInstallcat_social_media
ListarySearch with ListaryInstallcat_search
Locate IPShow the location of an IP adress or hostnameInstallcat_tools
LowercaseTransform text to lowercase lettersInstallcat_text
Markdown HighlightConvert to ==Text==Installcat_text
Markdown UnderlineConvert to ***Text***Installcat_text
Microsoft WordCreate new Word document with textInstallcat_text
NaverSearch on Naver.comInstallcat_search
NetflixSearch on NetflixInstallcat_search
NotepadCreate new note in notepad with textInstallcat_text
Notepad++Create new note in notepad++ with textInstallcat_text
OperaOpen link in Opera browserInstallcat_tools
ParenthesesAdd parentheses around the selected textInstallcat_text
Paste Plain TextPastes clipboardtext without formatInstallcat_text
Periods to SpacesReplaces periods with spacesInstallcat_text
Ping IpPing Ip in CmdInstallcat_tools
PinterestPin the selected link to PinterestInstallcat_social_media
Pinterest SearchSearch on PinterestInstallcat_search
PinyinDisplay Chinese characters as pinyinInstallcat_tools
Print the selected text to the default printer.
PubMedSearch on PubMedInstallcat_search
QTranslateTranslate with QTranslate (QTranslate needs to be installed)Installcat_translate
QuotesAdd quotes around the selected textInstallcat_text
RedditSearch on redditInstallcat_search
Remove WhitespaceRemoves blanks from textInstallcat_text
Remove Line BreaksRemoves Line Breaks and copies textInstallcat_text
Remove Line Breaks (No Paste)Removes Line Breaks and copies text onlyInstallcat_text
Reverse TextReverses the selected text and copies itInstallcat_text
ReversoTranslate with Reverso (by @ioniacob)Installcat_translate
Rotten TomatoesSearch on rottentomatoes.comInstallcat_search
RumbleSearch on Rumble.comInstallcat_search
Run in CmdOpen new Cmd Window and run textInstallcat_tools
Run in PowershellRun text in new Powershell WindowInstallcat_tools
Run PythonRun Python Code (Python must be installed, Credits to danila)Installcat_tools
SalesforceSearch on SalesforceInstallcat_search
SaySay the text out loudInstallcat_tools
Search WindowsSearches using the Windows Start MenuInstallcat_search
Select AllSelect all TextInstallcat_text
Send EmailCreate new email with textInstallcat_tools
Sentence CaseTransfroms the text into Sentence CaseInstallcat_text
Shorten LinkShorten link using is.gd or v.gdInstallcat_text
SkypeCall the number with skypeInstallcat_social_media
SlugifyReplace spaces between words with hyphens, remove anything that is not a letter or number, and downcase.Installcat_text
SocialbladeSearch on socialblade.comInstallcat_search
Spaces to PeriodsReplaces spaces with periodsInstallcat_text
SpotifySearch on SpotifyInstallcat_search
StartpageSearch on startpage.comInstallcat_search
Sticky NotesCreate new Sticky Note (Windows Store App required)Installcat_text
SublimeCreate new file in sublimeInstallcat_text
TaoBaoSearch on TaoBaoInstallcat_search
TelnetRun telnet command in cmdInstallcat_tools
TitlecaseTransform words to titlecaseInstallcat_text
TodoistAdd new Task to TodoistInstallcat_tools
TrelloAdd new Trelllo CardInstallcat_tools
TwitchSearch on TwitchInstallcat_search
Tweet (X)Tweet selected textInstallcat_social_media
Unit ConverterConverts mass, length, area, volume, temperature and digital constantsInstallcat_tools
UppercaseTransform text to uppercase lettersInstallcat_text
Urban DictionarySearch on urbandictionary.comInstallcat_search
VivaldiOpen Url in Vivaldi BrowserInstallcat_tools
WhatsappOpen number with WhatsappInstallcat_social_media
WikipediaSearch on WikipediaInstallcat_search
Wolfram AlphaSearch on Wolfram AlphaInstallcat_search
Word CountCount the words in the selected textInstallcat_tools
WorldcatSearch on worldcat.orgInstallcat_search
WoxOpen text in Wox (Windows omni-eXecutor)Installcat_search
YandexSearch on YandexInstallcat_search
XingSearch on XingInstallcat_search
YoutubeSeach on YoutubeInstallcat_social_media
X (Twitter)Search on TwitterInstallcat_social_media